Sunday, October 10, 2010

Epic concert makes up for not updating yesterday

^ See the title.
So! Yesterday I went with the Alterative Music Society (AMS) at Imperial to WORLD INTERNATIONAL JOHN PEEL DAY 2010. A blurb from the Facebook event that explain it much better than I can:

The Short:
A collective of 20 Promoters, Labels, Zines and Radio DJs will be presenting over 30 acts & DJs on 3 stages in celebration of the man who gave us all good taste!

The Blurb:
John Peel was the greatest DJ the world has known and over the course of his 40-year career he rode on the crest of a wave bringing the best groundbreaking acts to the public. From T Rex, David Bowie, Elton, Captain Beefheart, The Slits, The Fall, Louden Wainwright, The Damned, PJ Harvey, Pulp, Laurie Anderson, Extreme Noise Terror to Nirvana, The White Stripes and many many more acts owed their lucky break/careers to John Peel. We will celebrate his legacy with red wine, loud music and a lot of dancing and laughter!

The day was incredibly epic. We were basically at the concert from 2:30-11, with a quick dinner break at Subway in between. Some of my favorites of the bands that I saw there:
Superman Revenge Squad (
Lail Arad (
No Cars (
Bearsuit (

The people of AMS were REALLY cool, also! I had a great time meeting all of them. They seem like a really cool, friendly group of people. The concert was really fun last night because it was one of the first times that I've ever felt like a native and not a tourist. It wasn't a huge arena show- it was in this bowling alley/diner/bar/concert venue thing- so it wasn't something that everyone goes to, so that was cool. The whole thing reminded me of Almost Famous- just being someplace just for the music, with your friends. I'm going to use this opportunity to embed my favorite scene from Almost Famous, which has nothing to do with this post, but I love it anyway:

I'm going to another event with AMS on Tuesday night (and probably on Saturday, too) so that'll be lots of fun too!
Today I'm basically just doing work, lol. I have to read the first act of Henry IV for my Shakespeare class that starts tomorrow and is at 9 IN THE MORNING. DO NOT WANT. I mean, I want the Shakespeare class, but not that early, heh. I know lots of people who are taking it, though, so it should be fun. I also have to do a pretty big grocery shop today. The theater groups at Imperial are doing a techie thing today that I really should go to. Technically, it runs from 10-6 and you can go anytime you want, but I think by the time I get everything done it'll be too late to do anything worthwhile.
- Miranda

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