Monday, October 11, 2010

Non-day off

Anyway, I don't have a day off today like the rest of y'all because they don't celebrate this in the UK:

Instead, I had a Shakespeare class at 10 in the morning! Not at 9, like I thought, which is good, because 10 is a LOT more manageable than 9, in my opinion. The class was good- we discussed "Henry IV". It's with the same professor that teaches my other 2 classes, so I already knew that I liked his teaching style.
Speaking of professors, my tutor for my research paper officially approves of my topic! I don't know if I told this blog what I've finally chosen. I'll copy and paste what I told him, because I'm too lazy to type it all out again.

My research paper will focus on how being a governess is portrayed in the works of the Bronte sisters, specifically in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre and Anne Bronte’s Agnes Grey. I will contrast how being a governess is portrayed in their works to actual accounts of being a governess at that time in history, and see where the similarities and differences lie. I might just focus on either Jane Eyre or Agnes Grey if discussing both of them proves too daunting, but I’d like to do both of them.

Sounds good, no? Anyway, for Thursday I have to type up a much longer version of this going more in-depth into what I want to do, but he's approved my idea, at least.
One thing that I like about this 10-2 Shakespeare class is the fact that, well, we're out at 2 rather than 3 or 5:15, which gives me much more time to work (since I rarely get anything substantial done in the morning). I think I'd still rather sleep in, though, heh.
Tomorrow I HAVE NO CLASS! So I guess that can count as my day off for now, lol. I'm going to get more work done then and at 5 I'm going to another concert with the AMS. Fun!
- Miranda

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