Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tea, pubs, etc,

Hi guys!
Today was pretty good. It took me FOREVER to fall asleep last night (must've been some lingering jet lag) but once I did get to sleep I slept pretty well. We had to do the fire drill over again this morning but I'm pretty sure we completed it on time, so that's a relief.
So today we had 2 more lectures in the morning. The first one especially was VERY informative- all about travel tips, etc. which was nice. After the lectures, we got instructions for a "paper chase" or scavenger hunt that we can complete while we're here. The winning team gets a helicopter ride over London! I might do it, but it'll be very time-consuming so I don't know if I'll get around to it.
After the lectures, we went to buy our books. There was a LONG line for the books, and it was kind of disorganized. Only 2 of my classes had a book list up so far. One class had most of the books available at the book sale, and for the other one I checked them all out at the library. So I only had to pay for books for 1 class, which was nice. The other ones I'm assuming I'll get from the library or buy later.
I had lunch after I was done buying my books, in my dorm kitchen. Then I hung out in my room for a little while. After that I had SOME LEGIT BRITISH TEA AND PASTRIES with the other people in my program! There's only 12 of us, so it looks like it's going to be a pretty close-knit group. We didn't go out to a restaurant or anything, we just had tea in one of the rooms in Harrington Gardens (the main classroom building). The pasties were REALLY good- chocolate pear pie, little shortbread-like cookies, chocolate cookies- NOM NOM NOM. We found out that we're going to the Lake District (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) which excites me SO MUCH! We're going to see where the Bronte's live, the Romantic poets, etc....I'm SO excited! I love how much history London has. I found out today that Gilbert (of Gilbert and Sullivan) actually lived a couple of houses away from the Harrington Gardens building! It's sooo cool that I'm walking the same streets where he could've "whistled all the airs of that infernal nonsense Pinafore" as it were.
After tea, I went out to the Builder's Arms pub with some other people from my floor. It was a good pub- I got a wonderful glass of blackberry cider. Some of the girls from my floor are going bar-hopping later tonight, so I'll probably go with them. Brittany's probably going to go too, but she's not back from dinner yet (we all got our food at different times and just left whenever we were gone). I'm really excited about this and hope that I actually get to go! I want to get all dressed for it now, but I keep thinking they're going to forget to knock on my door or something like that, so I don't want to jinx myself. I'm probably going to get changed anyway, just so that I'm ready.
Love you all!
- Miranda

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