Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Forgetfulness, etc.

Why didn't I update yesterday? Was I on some incredibly wonderful London adventure all day that kept me away from my computer?
Sadly, no. I just plain forgot. Yesterday was a typical Monday- I slept through my alarm and woke up with only 10 minutes to get ready for my Shakespeare class (but I made it there ON TIME, thank God). So I had to walk there IN THE RAIN, holding my umbrella in one time and drinking my Coke in the other. Meh.
Other than my class, I didn't really do much of note yesterday. Like I said before, I had plenty of time to update, I just forgot. Stephanie FINALLY uploaded pictures from Halloween/the AMS party, so those are on Facebook now if y'all want to see them.
Today I'm going to another gig with AMS, and a very unique one at that- a ukelele gig! This should be quite interesting. I'm looking forward to it.
That's all for now.
- Miranda

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