Monday, October 4, 2010

Tea with Dean Elmore! Nothing else mattered.

So today I had my final for EN340. I was kind of nervous about it, but it ended up being pretty easy! The prof is really nice but kind of intimidating when you first meet him, so I wasn't sure if he was going to give us a really hard final or not. But as soon as I looked at the questions, I was pretty confident in what I was doing.
After the final, I got to have TEA WITH DEAN ELMORE! which I was pretty excited about. I talked to him for a bit, which was cool. They had free cake, scones, and of course TEA! It was pretty epic.
I also officially booked my tickets to Bath to see Becca! But it looks like I'm not going to do anything for the rest of the break. I'm kind of upset about this, but I'm telling myself that as long as I go somewhere in Europe at least once this semester, I'll be fine. My demands are as such:
1. Go somewhere in Europe (if I had my way it would be Italy, but this probably won't happen).
2. SEE ROCKY HORROR IN A THEATER FOR HALLOWEEN! I'm going to be a geek and get all excited because England is where it all started.
If those two things happen while I'm over here, I'll be a happy woman.
Also: I keep forgetting to write this in the blog, but I found a convenience store that sells "gum-flavored gum" (I know this is a weird way of referring to it...but what else would I say? Original gum?). And it's Bubblelicious at that, which gives you really big pieces, unlike Trident where I have to chew 2 pieces at a time. I know way too much about gum.
I'm excited because tomorrow is Imperial's little club fair thing, where I get to sign up for their clubs. YAY JOINING CLUBS! YAY MEETING BRITISH COLLEGE STUDENTS (ESPECIALLY THE GUYS)! Seriously, out of all the things I miss here, clubs are VERY high on the list. I like having lots of things to do, lol. And they're having an afterparty after the club fair, which should be good too.
My final tomorrow is at 9 IN THE MORNING. URGH. I'm going to love this so much. Mehhh.
- Miranda

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