Sunday, September 5, 2010

Bloody Cyclists! OR The post about the Tower of London

Today I went to the Tower of London!
Originally, we were supposed to see some other sights in addition to the Tower of London, but that plan was quickly thwarted by...
Let me explain this.
So today was the London Skyride, which was a city-wide bike ride sponsored by the mayor of London to get everyone outside and on their bikes. Sounds like a good idea, right? WRONG.
First of all, this bike ride went on for basically THE ENTIRE DAY and it wasn't a race or anything, just like a general route, so we basically saw cyclists EVERYWHERE. The worse part was that they closed off lots of the roads, making it difficult for our bus to park anywhere and let us explore. We spent a reallllly long time getting to the Tower itself because our tour guide and driver didn't know which roads were closed (and the police officers that we asked for directions/information basically didn't know this either). We stopped for a bathroom break at the London Eye:

A really funny thing happened after we got back. We left the door of the bus open during the bathroom break, and these incredibly drunk Australians came onto the bus with a bottle of Jagermeister and were all like "Jager! Woooo! You want some Jager?!" We quickly shooed them away but it was soooooooo funny.
Then we drove for a loooooooong time to the Tower of London. Once we got there, I went to get some pizza for lunch. Then, we started our tour of the Tower!
It looks really pretty from the outside:

First, we went to see THE CROWN JEWELS! SOOOO SHINY! Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to take pictures of those, but they were breathtaking. Then we walked outside a bit and saw the famous ravens of the Tower of London:

Legend has it that if the ravens ever leave the Tower, then the whole country will fall! DUN DUN DUN! But their wings are clipped, so they technically can't leave anyway. Also, some of them are in cages because they apparently are evil little things that can peck you to death:

We then moved into the White Tower, where lots of suits of armor, weapons, etc. were displayed. After that, we went back on the bus. A very fun trip indeed!
- Miranda

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