Friday, September 24, 2010

Thursday and Friday

So I was literally dancing at the club last night when I thought to myself "I haven't updated my blog yet for today!" But at that point, it was technically Friday (morning) and I try not to do much on the Internet after I go out. So today you'll get an entry about Thursday AND Friday!
Today is my roomie Andrea's 21st birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREA! (I don't know if you read my blog or not. I know Chelsea does, but I don't know about my other roomies. Hi, Chelsea!) She's in Paris for her birthday with her friends, so yesterday, when she actually *was* here, we celebrated her 21st and all went out to a club. It was great fun! No pictures as I don't like taking my camera with me when I go out (I don't know HOW everyone else is so comfortable taking their cameras...I'm such a klutz, I know for sure I'd drop it or spill something on it...).
And I technically had PLENTY of time to update yesterday, but I just forgot about it. Meh. Blame it on my excitement at going out for the week, because the "going out" in the Lake District consisted of playing Kings with the rest of the people in the Literature program. Which is still epic, but I wanted to get all dressed up for once. Heh.
Onto today! Today I did something that I can't do yet in the States- I went to a beer tasting! It was WONDERFUL! We also got a free lunch at a pub beforehand, which was nice. We toured the Fuller's Brewery in Chiswick (pronounced "Chissick", not "Chis-wick"). After the tour, we got to try the beer! We had half an hour to try 8 beers, but as we're all college students, this was not hard at all. And no, this was NOT like a wine tasting where you spit out the drink after you taste it. No, we all got about half a glass of each beer. My favorite beers were the London Pride and the Honeydew beer (which is organic! Cool!). It was a great time! I wish my family and friends could've been there- I know sooooo many people who would've enjoyed it just as much, if not more, than I did.
So for the rest of the day I haven't been doing much. I like to just go out once a week (less strain on my wallet) so I probably won't go out tonight unless I get invited somewhere. This is also the first weekend that I don't have any big trips planned. I don't know how I feel about that. On the one hand, I like having the free time to catch up on my work (I have 3 books I have to read by certain points this week). Free time also gives me time to explore different parts of the city, etc. But on the other hand, I sometimes have a tendency to get bored if I don't have any structured activity scheduled for the day (God, I sound like a little kid or something). If I have time, I might go down to the London Library and do some research there for my paper. I think now I've solidly decided that I *am* going to do something on Bronte, since I think we're doing Twelfth Night in my Shakespeare class but aren't doing the Bronte sisters in any of my other classes. Visiting the Parsonage just inspired me a lot, I guess. But having a definite topic for my paper will really put me more at ease.
That's all for now!
- Miranda

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