Sunday, September 26, 2010

A more productive day than yesterday

As the title of this blog states, today was much more productive than yesterday! I only have ~100 pages left in the book I have to read for Tuesday, so I'll probably finish tonight, which is good. Then I can start on the other 2 books I have to read (one due Wednesday, one due Thursday). I really love all the reading I'm doing here, though. It's the first time I've taken all English classes, and I love it.
My headphones died today AND my cell phone ran out of money, so I have to take care of both of those things tomorrow. AND my Oyster Card (subway pass) ran out of money yesterday so I had to do that. Urgh I hate getting hit with these expenses all at once. I'm doing pretty good on food, though, so that's good. I'm really mad about my headphones (because when I'm on the computer I'm listening to music CONSTANTLY) but they've lasted me the longest out of any pair of headphones I've owned- I think I got them during my junior year of high school. Maybe, if I look at my Livejournal, I'll be able to pin down the exact date. Of course, this would also result in more time-wasting, lol.
Other than that, I don't really have much to say. Didn't get out much again today, but it was still pretty cold and rainy. Also, our room is in the basement and it gets sooooo cold at night (I don't know if I wrote about this in my last post or not). I didn't bring any hoodies here, but I might try to buy a cheap one just to sleep in.
- Miranda

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